From the course: Creating Accessible PDFs

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Artifacting objects

Artifacting objects

- [Instructor] There will be times sometimes quite often when there are elements on a page that you do not want read by assistive technology. One case can be one, a decorative image or graphic is used in a document. But another more common case is when you have running headers or footers in a document at the top or bottom of each page. Both of these situations require the content to be artifacted. Let's take a closer look at how to do that in Word. I don't actually have any figures to mark as decorative here, but to show you, if I click on a figure here in Word you'll notice in the Alt Text task pane, there is a mark as decorative checkbox at the bottom. So if I were to turn that on, that would cause this figure to be artifacted and it would not be read by assistive technology. Now, another more common situation that you could run into, if you look at this document, you'll notice that I have a header that appears at the…
