From the course: Creating Accessible PDFs

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Add metadata

Add metadata

- [Instructor] There is certain metadata required in a PDF file in order to make a document accessible, specifically, a document title is required, and that title is required to be displayed when a PDF file is open. Although the document title is the only required metadata element in a PDF file, due to the fact that most PDF files will be posted online, it can be helpful to add other metadata to the file to assist in search engine optimization. The title requirement for a PDF file can be found in the WCAG specifications under WCAG success criteria, 2.4.2 and it can be found in the PDF techniques for WCAG in item number 18. And finally, in the PDF/UA checkpoint, in checkpoint number six. To add the title to this document, because if you notice, currently in the tab for my document, and in the title bar, it's displaying the file name, and that of course is not very helpful. So to add a title to the…
