From the course: Creating a Short Film: 05 Directing

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Moving the camera: Pushing in

Moving the camera: Pushing in

- In this tutorial we're going to actually look at moving the camera, and perhaps the most basic of all camera moves is the push in. This is when the camera essentially just gets closer to our subject. Again, we'lL talk more about the mechanics of this in the Cinematography course, but this can be done on a dolly, on a slider, with a handheld camera, with a drone, it really doesn't matter. Though I should point out that many young filmmakers try to do this by using a zoom lens. Zooming with the lens is great for shots in action sequences like this, but zooming in is not pushing in. Scaling up the clip in post-production is not pushing in. There are some perspective changes that we just sense, consciously or subconsciously, where the camera actually moves. So however you push in to get the real emotional impact for the audience, you typically need to actually move the camera. As we push in to the subject we get more intimate with them. This is great for monologues, like this one in…
