From the course: Creating a Responsive Web Design

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Adding the footer content

Adding the footer content - CSS Tutorial

From the course: Creating a Responsive Web Design

Adding the footer content

- Now we just need to add a little bit of content to our footer and then we can start working on our CSS. So let's scroll down in our HTML document, let's find the footer element. Let's split this open. The first thing we'll add is the copyright statement, so we'll just do ©. this is the HTML entity for copyright symbol. Then we'll just put in the name of the site, Everyday Things. Then on the next line we're going to add a div element here with a class of content. So div class="content" we'll end that tag then end the element. Split this open, and then inside of here we'll add two anchor links, we'll link to our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Service. So we'll start with an anchor tag, title="Privacy Policy', link them in here and copy that. Then a space href, we'll make it a self link and the tag. Paste the Privacy Policy text as the label, and then end the anchor tag. Now we'll just duplicate that link. Let's come in here and change our Privacy Policy to Terms of Service…
