From the course: Creating a Positive Customer Experience

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The customer journey

The customer journey

- Have you ever planned a trip to an amazing place? Maybe you researched the best flight options for months or plot out an amazing road trip to get there. The destination makes it worth all that planning, but what if a bunch of things go wrong on the way to your destination? Maybe you get a flat tire in the middle of nowhere, or your flight gets canceled, you miss your connection, and you end up in a middle seat on a 12 hour flight. In the end, it's all worth it to see a place you've never been or visit people love. But when you tell stories about that journey, you most likely share all the crazy stuff that happened along the way. A customer's journey is no different. Even if your customers love your product, if the journey to get it is challenging, or the experience of being a customer simply stinks, that's what they'll share with others. Your customer's experience is built with moments. Each interaction with your…
