From the course: Creating a Positive Customer Experience

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Phases of the customer journey

Phases of the customer journey

- Business people love frameworks, right? Frameworks and visuals help us understand big ideas and break down overwhelming concepts into step-by-step actions. Some of you might be thinking you already have journey maps because you have other things you use in business, things like process maps, which show you how things work on the inside of your organization, technical blueprints, which highlight how backend technology supports your processes and procedures, flow charts, showing what should happen for your customer at certain points along their journey. But there is one key difference between a customer journey map done well and a process document masquerading as a journey map. Your customer journey map should be squarely focused on your customer's perspective, down to stating things from their voice. Internal documents tend to be about what you want to happen. The customer's journey is about what they actually experience.…
