From the course: Creating a Positive Customer Experience

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Defining customer experience roles and responsibilities

Defining customer experience roles and responsibilities

From the course: Creating a Positive Customer Experience

Defining customer experience roles and responsibilities

- There's an ongoing debate regarding the best way to lead customer experience in any organization. While it's wonderful to have customer experience owned by a top level executive, like a chief customer officer, or a chief experience officer, not everyone is in a position to add that role. And more importantly, CX has to cascade down to well, everyone. So is customer experience everybody's job? Well, that sounds nice in theory. You know what happened in reality. If it's everybody's job in general terms, it becomes nobody's job in specific terms. Well, titles might not have customer experience in them. You need leaders to drive the changes and you need employees with real responsibilities to deliver on customer experience. Let's consider for a moment, all the real efforts that need to happen to create and manage positive customer experiences. You need to design the actual customer journey. Track the customer journey.…
