From the course: Creating a Positive Customer Experience

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Customer experience takes discipline

Customer experience takes discipline

- I've seen plenty of leaders declare customers are our top priority and everyone nods along and really believes it until they go back to their work and promptly do things the way they always have. Declarations from the top aren't enough. Positive customer experiences are created by ongoing proactive strategy and design. That strategy is delivered by the day-to-day actions of business leaders and employees. This all comes down to business discipline. Let's look at three areas. First, funding and accountability. You cannot say that customer experience is a priority without funding it, and you need accountability around real outcomes and results. Remember that CX Success Statement? This can help you get the funding from leadership and communicate about how customer experience can drive business results. Second, governance. I almost think of this as project management. If you don't have a method on what needs to get…
