From the course: Creating a Mograph Title Sequence: 2 Animating in After Effects

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Comparing with the edit

Comparing with the edit

- [Instructor] So, before we start animating the titles, I want to compare these composition here inside after effects to the reference clip that we've exported from Premiere Pro, just to make sure that all the edit decisions are still intact. Make sure the Project Panel is active, and double click in a grey portion, navigate to the exercise files, and inside the source files, you'll find the Venus_TS_Reference I'm going to say open or import if you're working on the PC site and bring it over to this project. Then, I'll drag and drop it on top of the Venus title sequence composition, and this is going to place it above all the layers, here in the middle of the core. Next, I want to make sure that I can see the transfer controls. If you can't see them, you can toggle this button, to make sure they are active and then hold and select from the list the difference blending mode and this is going to help us to compare between…
