From the course: Creating a Game Character in Blender
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The multiresolution modifier - Blender Tutorial
From the course: Creating a Game Character in Blender
The multiresolution modifier
- Blender offers us a few ways to subdivide or get more details form a low poly mesh. The tools that we are going to use to break up the mesh into tinier and tinier parts so that we can add high fidelity details through the sculpting process. Now to get to the Multiresolution modifier we first need to clean up our scene a little bit. At this point your model is going to look probably quite a bit different than mine. I've got three main parts here in my scene, the head, the body and the hand and he's only got one hand, because we are going to finish that one hand and then flip it over here to the other side. So, we're going to go up to the Outliner, this area up here, we haven't revisited that in quite a while and we're going to rename some of these objects and we're going to delete that high poly object that we did earlier in the course. So right now his hand is called LP Hand, that's pretty good, his head, and that is his low poly head, we're going to rename LP and space Head, so…
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