From the course: Creating a Game Character in Blender
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Setting up the sculpt menu - Blender Tutorial
From the course: Creating a Game Character in Blender
Setting up the sculpt menu
- The sculpting mode in Blender is a toolset that allows us to sculpt or easily transform a high density polygonal mesh into whatever we want. We can use this toolset to add highly detailed features to existing meshes. While the toolset is very similar to what you might expect from Zbrush and Mudbox, having these tools available within our 3D program is certainly a benefit. So this is a little different, we're going to start with the startup scene from Blender. We're not going to use our model for this, this is going to be just kind of a informational video. I'm going to go ahead and hide the camera and I'm going to hide my lamp here just so we don't get confused and think they have anything to do with the process right now. That is a six-sided box, and what we're going to do to our box to start with is add a multi-resolution modifier. Click on your box, make sure you're in Object Mode for this, and add your modifier, it's Multiresolution. And there's our modifier. Now remember, we…
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