From the course: Creating a Game Character in Blender

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Reviewing the final painting details

Reviewing the final painting details - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Creating a Game Character in Blender

Reviewing the final painting details

- Okay, so we have a finished texture map on our creature, along with his normal maps now. Took a long time to get here so wish I could show you all the steps but that was actually many hours of painting on the creature to get to this point. It's all the same stuff so I didn't use any different tools than we've already covered in previous videos. Didn't cover anything different but I did make some changes along the way because I thought it would add a little bit of personality. So just to highlight some of the choices that I made with the coloring and the art, I changed his horn color a little bit. He had a little bit of jaundice horn color going there and he should look healthy so I whitened up his horns. Also, I added a few little dots here in his bracelets, I thought that made it look like they sparkled a little bit more, a little bit more like metal but you can still see the base texture is still under there. I also added some highlights to his palms on the higher parts so that if…
