From the course: Creating a Game Character in Blender
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Blocking out the hooves - Blender Tutorial
From the course: Creating a Game Character in Blender
Blocking out the hooves
- So at this point, we're going to do a little bit of housekeeping before starting in on the feet which is the last part of the body we need to do outside of the face. So your object might have been knocked off center during all that clicking and moving that we've been doing over the last couple videos, and go ahead and click on the main mesh and go up to under Transform, push "n" to get to that. Go to Transform, Location, and just zero those out and you'll see your guy scoot around a little bit. And his hand here is a little bit out of whack so let's go and change his setting to Global, and I'm going to move that hand back here a little bit. Whatever settings you have on your creature are going to be different than mine at this point but just make sure that we center him because eventually we're going to come down here and we're going to have to make his feet and we want his feet to be the same on both sides. Okay, we also have our main mesh, at this point has the Transparency turned…
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Setting up image planes7m 29s
Blocking out the leg18m 57s
Adding the mirror modifier4m 23s
Adding edge loops and smoothing5m 24s
Blocking out the chest and hips9m 40s
Blocking out the arms6m 21s
Blocking in the back and neck7m 57s
Blocking out the hands and duplicate fingers12m 4s
Blocking out the hooves4m 24s