From the course: Creating a Game Character in Blender

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Applying normal maps

Applying normal maps

- We're now going to apply the normal maps that we made here in blender. In order to get the normal maps to show up on our model, we're going to have to add some properties to our shaders and our texture maps in order to get those normal maps to show up properly. Well first we're going to do a little bit of housekeeping. I don't need this menu here, so I'm going to go ahead and close it just by sliding that until it sticks to that seam there and I'm going to jump over to my shader menu Now, click on the model that we want the shader to be applied to. In this case it's going to be my low-poly. In fact, that high-poly that's been there for so long, we don't even really need this at this point so I'm just going to hide it, may not even come back to it. But that low-poly, well that's what we want to be working on so go ahead and click on that, and then go to the shader tab and if you see anything in here that says something like Material 001 or 002, go ahead and click on those and hit…
