From the course: Create a Brand Strategy

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Discovering your unique brand value to build a strategy

Discovering your unique brand value to build a strategy

From the course: Create a Brand Strategy

Discovering your unique brand value to build a strategy

- I use this framework I call the uncommon denominator. What this framework does, is it synthesizes what we know about the customer's desires. What we know about our competitor and what they're good at. And what we know about our own strengths. Right now, we're in a really good position because we've gathered raw insights. So we can answer these questions from the customer's point of view. I like to think of the uncommon denominator as a Venn diagram with three circles. One for each area. What you're going to do is inventory everything that goes into each. First, you're going to list the customer desires. Now, some of these things will be overt, things that they actually said to you. Some of this is you reading between the lines of what you heard. What are those insights? Next, you're going to list your competitor strengths. Remember that your competitor could be a direct competitor, but it also could be…
