From the course: Crafting Dynamic Characters

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Instructor jam: Needs

Instructor jam: Needs

- Now let's talk about needs for this instructor jam. This is using the dynamic character worksheet and the character randomizer or you can bring your own to the table. - Right, right. - Pull up the worksheet. So when I did it, I got, I'll remind you all, the investigative reporter who has never been out of their small town. And the wound that I talked about last time was that she had grown up in this very kind of traditional, very small town, you know, loved it that way, generation upon generation. And at the first sight of freedom, maybe not even 18, her brother, pew, took off like a bullet for the big city. And it seemed to cause her a lot of values-based problems. He got a bad attitude, he never came home after that. And it really, it wounded her in a pretty sensitive place that had to do with her values and her family. And so I think the need that she developed was to sort of keep things simple. She, I wrote, she…
