From the course: Crafting Dynamic Characters

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Exercise: Penny for your thoughts

Exercise: Penny for your thoughts

From the course: Crafting Dynamic Characters

Exercise: Penny for your thoughts

- In this exercise, we'll be practicing the craft of revealing character through thought. You'll choose a scenario from the list, each of which contain a character and something they might be thinking about. And you'll practice revealing that character to the reader by writing the scene and focusing on the characterizing thoughts, which remember. are thoughts that subtly tell us something about the character without having to spell it out or directly tell the reader. Here are your choices. These scenarios also appear in the exercise Penny for Your Thoughts, which is included with this lecture. You'll notice that in all of these scenarios the characters are dealing with something that would lend itself well to some good characterizing thoughts. It's your job as the creative writer that you are to figure out what those thoughts are, what they might reveal about the character and how to weave them into the scene. Feel…
