From the course: Content Marketing Strategy for Product Marketers

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Create your content calendar

Create your content calendar

Ever find yourself scrambling to figure out what to post on social media, trying to decide between a fun, inspirational post or a post about your latest product release? What to pick?! Imagine how stress-free your mornings could be if you had a well-organized content calendar already planned out, just waiting for you to hit publish. Today I'll show you how to develop a content calendar that keeps you organized and strategically aligns with your marketing goals, allowing you to maximize impact without that last-minute scramble. So what is a content calendar? A content calendar is your blueprint for the content you publish: where and when. It's essential for coordinating all your marketing activities and ensuring that your content aligns with key dates and product launches. To make your own content calendar, use a digital spreadsheet like Google Sheets to list key dates related to your product -- launch dates, promotions, and relevant events. Then plot out when you'll talk about each…
