From the course: Content Marketing Strategy for Product Marketers

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Automate your content marketing

Automate your content marketing

Have you ever sent a “Happy Friday” email to customers, only to realize it was Tuesday? Wouldn't it be great if you could get that drudgery off your desk so you could be more creative? Let's talk about how automation solves your problem and helps you do just that. In this lesson, you'll learn how to use advanced marketing automation tools to save time and enhance personalization. By the end, you'll be equipped to implement automation that frees you to focus on high-level strategy and creativity. To start, find a marketing automation tool that aligns with your specific marketing goals, budget and most important, technical capability. It should integrate seamlessly into your workflow. If you're a small team, a tool like Mailchimp might be ideal for its user-friendly interface and robust features. For more advanced needs, HubSpot offers comprehensive solutions that cover a broader spectrum of marketing activities. Now that you’ve found the right tool, set up an automated workflow for…
