From the course: Content Marketing Funnel for Creators
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Creating high-converting landing pages
From the course: Content Marketing Funnel for Creators
Creating high-converting landing pages
- [Narrator] A conversion in marketing is when someone completes a desired action. Conversions are usually calculated as a percentage. Let's say for example, a hundred people visit your opt-in page and 10 of these people decide to leave their name and email address. That landing page is currently converting at 10%. As a content creator, it is important not to get too obsessed with your conversion rates. A good conversion rate depends on your industry, and rates of one, two and 3% are considered good in various sectors. Your main job as a content creator is to focus on creating valuable content. But that being said, there are a few things to keep in mind to keep your conversion rates high. Have you ever clicked a link to a website and the page took forever to load? We have gotten so accustomed to everything being fast that we just expect our experiences on the internet to be snappy. If your landing page takes a while to…