From the course: Consumer Behavior: Using Neuroscience to Improve Your Marketing
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From the course: Consumer Behavior: Using Neuroscience to Improve Your Marketing
Unlocking marketing
- Congratulations, you did it. You've completed the first step towards applying neuroscience to marketing. Now you can capture the attention of your consumers through the principle of contrast. You can create significant experiences that stick in their minds. You're also able to speak directly to the consumer's mode of thinking and plan ahead for their decision making process. Lastly, you can use the psychology of pleasure and pain to drive consumer behaviors. - All in all, you're now able to ask deeper questions and create better AB tests to inform your marketing. Don't wait, start testing these ideas ASAP. - A few resources we'd recommend are "Alchemy" by Rory Sutherland, which provides an interesting psychological approach to marketing particularly relevant for UK based brands. And "Irresistible" by Adam Alter, a deep dive into psychology and neuroscience of digital platforms. - If the neuromarketing bug has bitten…
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