From the course: Construction Management: Reading Drawings and Specifications

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Electrical drawings

Electrical drawings

- [Instructor] In the last video, I introduced you to the M sheets that represented the mechanical drawings on this project, and I told you that we sometimes also refer to the mechanical drawings as the HVAC drawings. Now, we also sometimes refer to them as being part of the MEP drawings, and the reason we refer to them as MEP is we're talking about mechanical, electrical and plumbing drawings, and the reason that we sometimes group these together like that is that most often they're all designed and drawn by a single MEP consultant. So what I want to take a look at now in this video is the E sheets in our group of MEP drawings and again, we see that list here, and I'm going to use our hyperlinked index sheet and jump straight to the first one, sheet E-001. So first, notice again that our consultant up here in the title block is the same as it was on our mechanical drawings, and that's going to be the same on our plumbing…
