From the course: Construction Management: Reading Drawings and Specifications

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Dimensions and scales

Dimensions and scales

- [Instructor] One of the things that sets construction drawings apart from simple illustrations is the fact that they are drawn to scale. This means that every line on the page that represents an element in the building, like a wall or a door or a window, can be measured on the page itself to find out what size that's going to be in real life. The designer's simply taken the real life structure and shrunk it down to size while keeping everything in proportion. Now, this allows us to do things like measure the size of rooms or driveways or anything else on the project right on the sheet itself. All we need to know in order to make this work is how much the designer has shrunk things down. And we should always be able to find this information on each page in a legend called the scale. Let's take a look at this by going to our digital drawings and taking a look at where the scale appears on different sheets. So I'm going…
