From the course: Construction Management: Planning and Scheduling

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Integrating Lean principles with CPM

Integrating Lean principles with CPM

- Now that I introduced you to the concept of lean scheduling and lean construction, I'm going to tackle a topic that's a bit controversial, particularly among those lean practitioners out there. That is, does lean complement the CPM or critical path method of scheduling that I've been discussing throughout this course or does it replace it all together? If you ask many of the die hard lean practitioners out there they'll tell you that CPM needs to go away, that lean scheduling should replace it completely, that we really only need to develop milestones and then pull plan to each milestone. If you ask me, I think that's crazy. I really don't think the two concepts are mutually exclusive. I think they can be used together to do a much better job of scheduling than we've done in the past with CPM alone. In fact, taking that a bit farther, I'm not sure how you can really schedule a construction project, especially as complex…
