From the course: Configure and Manage OneDrive
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Managing storage space
From the course: Configure and Manage OneDrive
Managing storage space
- [Narrator] Managing storage and storage limits in OneDrive is a pretty simple thing to do, but you do have to know where to go do it and how to do it. And I will tell you that interestingly enough, you can do it in multiple places. So let me go ahead and walk you through this real quick. First of all, here in the SharePoint admin center I am going to go down to the settings selection and click on that. And in the bottom section where we have all our OneDrive settings, you'll notice we have one that says storage limit says it sets the default storage limit for your users. I'm going to click on that. As I said in the beginning, pretty simple and straightforward. Not a whole lot to know. There's just one option here. Enter the value that you want for your default. It defaults to one terabyte. If we want to change that, we can do so. I'll put that to 2048. Now it's two terabytes, click save, just like that. The default…