From the course: Configure and Manage OneDrive
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Managing sharing
From the course: Configure and Manage OneDrive
Managing sharing
- [Instructor] Let's take a look and see how we manage sharing in OneDrive. Now, this is done through the SharePoint Admin Center. And unlike some other things that we've seen, you will not find it in the settings. If I click on settings, you don't find anything here for sharing specifically. That is actually found under the policies section where, if I expand that, you'll see there's an option for sharing. So I will click on that, and this is where you see that we can control our sharing for actually both SharePoint and OneDrive. Remembering that OneDrive is just a component of SharePoint. So right at the top here, we have external sharing, content can be shared with, and there are four choices. Anyone, which is the default setting, which means users can share files and folders with pretty much anyone and they don't even have to sign in. You can do it to new and existing guests, which means the guest must sign in or…