From the course: Conducting a SWOT Analysis
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Using SWOT for personal growth
From the course: Conducting a SWOT Analysis
Using SWOT for personal growth
- [Instructor] I've taught and mentored many students and colleagues in my careers. At some point, questions of personal growth and career development usually arise to which I offer two rules that have served me well for over 30 years. The first rule is fairly direct. No one has your best interests at heart more than you. Neither your boss, nor your company, nor your friends or anyone else is going to be looking out for you all of the time as a first priority. Ultimately, you and you alone are responsible for your own success. The second rule was given to me by one of the best managers I've ever had. He was my manager for only one year during the dotcom era but his coaching has continually steered me to repeated successes through my careers. One night, over dinner at an Italian restaurant in Palo Alto, California, my then manager shared with me a family business proverb that had been handed down through his ancestral line for over 2,000 years, all the way back to the time of pharaohs…