From the course: Conducting a SWOT Analysis

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Using SWOT for organizational growth

Using SWOT for organizational growth

From the course: Conducting a SWOT Analysis

Using SWOT for organizational growth

- [Instructor] The SWOT Analysis Method has gained increasing popularity since its origins in the 1960s. The four quadrants of discovery present a manageable set of goals which appeal to both managers and participants alike. The challenge of leveraging lists created for each quadrant and transforming them into actionable strategies has been an Achilles heel of the method in part, because of disconnects between collecting insights and focusing on the problems the insights are being collected to address. With current day challenges facing organizations around the world stemming from a global pandemic and subsequent shutdowns of major economic drivers, the urgencies of overcoming these challenges presents a unique opportunity to apply SWOT techniques in key strategic use cases with minimal risks of failure. I'd like to share with you three use cases for applying SWOT Analysis Methods that can help your organization move forward and grow in the face of unprecedented challenges. The first…
