From the course: Computer Literacy for Windows 10
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Understanding your Home (user) folder - Windows Tutorial
From the course: Computer Literacy for Windows 10
Understanding your Home (user) folder
- [Instructor] In a previous movie, we looked at the important concept of folders and files and how this organizational system is used by you and your operating system to manage all the contents of your hard drive. Now, it's important to note that many of the folders and files on your computer are not for your use. They're there for the operating system to run properly. In some cases, these files and folders are protected by the operating system so you'll be unable to move, rename, or delete them but there are files and folders you can move around if you know what you're doing but can also potentially damage your system if you don't. That's why your personal account on your computer includes a user folder. Let's take a look at how to get to the user folder before we learn what it is. Now, there are faster ways to get to some folders inside of your user folder than when I'm about to show you but I want you to see exactly where…