From the course: Computer Literacy for Windows 10

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How to conduct advanced searches

How to conduct advanced searches - Windows Tutorial

From the course: Computer Literacy for Windows 10

How to conduct advanced searches

- [Instructor] When you're having trouble finding the information you're looking for, you can sometimes get better results by implementing more advanced search techniques. Now some search engines let you use what I refer to as Boolean search terms. Basically, they allow you to preform a search, but to exclude certain results or to search only for specific results. Depending on the search engine, Boolean searching can involve using words like and, or, and not within your searches. Or in the cases of google, using special characters like the plus symbol, the minus symbol, the tilde, and the like. But instead of having to remember how to use those terms and special characters, it's much easier to go to and use the advanced search feature. Now Google likes to keep their main page as simple as possible. So to get to the advanced search, come down here and click Settings, and here you'll find Advanced Search.…
