From the course: Computer Literacy for Windows 10
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Dealing with spam - Windows Tutorial
From the course: Computer Literacy for Windows 10
Dealing with spam
- [Instructor] As anyone who has used email for any length of time knows, one of the biggest hassles and headaches of email is dealing with junk mail or spam as it's also known. In this video, I'm going to go over a couple of tips you can use to avoid and manage your junk mail. Now, nearly all email clients have built in junk mail filters these days. However, the mail application in Windows 10 does not. Fortunately though, these days most junk mail is filtered out by your email service provider. So for example, if you have a Gmail account or an account, you won't see a good majority of the junk that gets sent to you. It will instead of be automatically filed into a spam or junk folder. If you want to check to make sure that something you should have received didn't accidentally get sent to your spam folder, just go into that folder and select it to check the messages there. Mine's currently empty but…