From the course: CompTIA Security+ (SY0-701) Cert Prep

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Wireless networking equipment

Wireless networking equipment

- [Instructor] Wireless networks rely upon a wide variety of equipment to function properly, and advanced technologies are available to help network administrators manage these networks. First, wireless access points themselves may operate in either fat or thin modes. Fat wireless access points contain all of the hardware and software required to operate the wireless network. They're capable of operating independently or working in coordination with other access points. When an administrator wants to make a change to the configuration of a fat access point, they connect to that access point and alter the configuration. This may be done through a centralized management tool, but the access point itself is being updated either way. Thin access points perform much less on their own. They are simply radios that handle the wireless communication, but they depend upon wireless controllers to do the heavy lifting. Wireless controllers sit in a data center or wiring closet, and they run the…
