From the course: CompTIA Security+ (SY0-701) Cert Prep

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Supply chain vulnerabilities

Supply chain vulnerabilities

- [Instructor] Every IT organization depends upon hardware, software, and services provided by outside vendors. Whether that comes in the form of server operating systems, database platforms, applications, managed services, or other technologies, administrators need to understand how security issues arising in the supply chain can impact their organizations. One of the most important vendor-related issues that security professionals need to monitor is the end-of-life announcements made by vendors about products used within the organization. Every security professional knows that patch management is an incredibly important security issue, and that staying current on patches protect systems against the many new vulnerabilities that are discovered each year. When a vendor announces the end of life of a product, they're announcing that they will eventually no longer provide patches for that product, even when new vulnerabilities are discovered. That makes it very difficult, if not…
