From the course: CompTIA Security+ (SY0-701) Cert Prep

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Router configuration security

Router configuration security

- [Instructor] Routers also play an important role in network security. They often sit in front of network firewalls and can perform filtering that reduces the load on the network firewall. Routers aren't great at performing complex filtering, but network administrators can configure them to perform basic screening of network traffic. As an example, we'll take a look at the filtering technology available in Cisco routers. While the syntax I'll describe in these examples is specific to Cisco devices, all routers can perform the same basic functionality. Now, one exam tip before we dive into this material. You won't need to know how to configure Cisco devices when you take the exam. You should, however, be familiar with the type of filtering that you can perform on a router and how it differs from the capabilities of a firewall. Cisco routers support the concept of access control lists. While you most often hear this term used to describe file system permissions, in this case, access…
