From the course: CompTIA Security+ (SY0-701) Cert Prep

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Risk visibility and reporting

Risk visibility and reporting

- [Narrator] Cybersecurity teams have a wide variety of risk identification, assessment and management tools at their disposal. You've already learned about many of them in this course. Risk visibility and reporting techniques ensure that the results of these risk management processes are clearly documented and tracked over time. The core tool that most organizations use for maintaining ongoing visibility into risk, is the risk register. This is a centralized document that tracks information about the nature and status of each risk facing the organization. Risk registers may be used on an organization-wide basis, or they may be used to track the risks associated with a single project or subject domain. In some cases, risk registers may be referred to as risk logs. Risk registers vary from organization to organization, but they typically contain the following types of information, a description of each risk, a categorization scheme used to group the risks in the similar segments, the…
