From the course: CompTIA Security+ (SY0-701) Cert Prep

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Risk assessment

Risk assessment

- [Instructor] Risks are everywhere in the world of information security. From hackers and malware to lost devices and missing security patches, there's a lot on the plate of information security professionals. Of course, addressing each one of these risks takes both time and money. Therefore, information security professionals need to prioritize their risk lists in order to spend these precious resources where they're going to have the greatest security effect. That's where risk assessment comes into play. Risk assessment is the process of identifying and triaging the risks facing an organization based upon the likelihood of their occurrence and their expected impact on the organization. Now, first, we need a common language. In everyday life, people often use the terms threat, risk, and vulnerability interchangeably, but these are actually three different concepts. A threat is some external force that jeopardizes the security of your information or systems. Threats might be…
