From the course: CompTIA Security+ (SY0-701) Cert Prep

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RFID security

RFID security

- [Instructor] Radio Frequency Identification, or RFID chips, allow organizations to achieve a wide variety of business benefits. RFID works by embedding small chips in a wide variety of devices. You can see an example of an RFID chip here on the screen. When an RFID chip comes in proximity of an RFID scanner, the chip activates and sends information to the scanner. There are many applications of RFID technology in use today, and RFID is widely used by both businesses and consumers. In fact, you're probably using some of this technology yourself. Passports issued by many countries now contain RFID chips that allow border agents to access digital information about the passport holder. You can tell if you have an RFID-enabled passport because it will have this logo on the front cover. Transit cards used by many cities use RFID technology, as do some credit cards. This speeds transactions in busy environments. You'll notice this symbol on enabled cards. It indicates that the card…
