From the course: CompTIA Security+ (SY0-701) Cert Prep

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Preventing SQL injection

Preventing SQL injection

- [Instructor] SQL injection attacks prey upon the fact that many modern dynamic web applications rely upon underlying databases to generate dynamic content. For example, a web application that relies upon a simple database-driven authentication mechanism might store unencrypted user passwords in a database, and then when a user attempts to log in, the application retrieves the correct password from the database and compares it to the user's input. If the passwords match, the user is successfully logged in to the system. Now, this is not a good way to implement password authentication, but it's the reality of how many websites work. In this type of scenario, The web server requests the password from the database using a query written in the structured query language, or SQL. SQL is simply the language used by relational databases that allows users and applications to create, update, delete, and retrieve data. And you won't need to know how to write SQL queries on the exam, but it is…
