From the course: CompTIA Security+ (SY0-701) Cert Prep

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Package monitoring

Package monitoring

- [Instructor] Modern development environments often rely heavily on third-party libraries and packages. Developers often use these packages to save time and effort, but this practice can introduce vulnerabilities if those libraries contain insecure code or become compromised. Package monitoring involves keeping track of all the third-party libraries or packages used in your organization, understanding what they do, and being aware of any potential vulnerabilities they may have. It includes regularly updating these dependencies to ensure that you're using the most secure, up-to-date versions of third-party packages. Automated tools can help with this process by identifying outdated or insecure dependencies and notifying developers when updates or patches become available. It's also important to understand the trustworthiness and reputation of the sources of these packages. Using a package from an untrusted source can lead to introducing vulnerabilities into your application…
