From the course: CompTIA Security+ (SY0-701) Cert Prep

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OAUTH and OpenID Connect

OAUTH and OpenID Connect

- [Instructor] The OAuth and OpenID Connect protocols provide a federated single sign-on experience for the web. You've probably already used these protocols, you just might not know them by those names. Many popular web services use these protocols to rely upon identity providers, including LinkedIn, Google, Facebook, Amazon, and others. Let's take a look at these protocols in action. Here I am at the Homepage. When I click the Sign In button here, I'm presented with a few options. I might choose to sign on with a account, or using my own organization's single sign-on process, but the blue button here is inviting me to sign in using my LinkedIn account. When I click that button, a new tab opens, and I want you to notice a few things here. First, in the URL bar, we're left at domain, so this is not a site anymore, we're now on a site. The second thing I want you to notice is that the word OAuth actually appears in the URL, giving…
