From the course: CompTIA Security+ (SY0-701) Cert Prep

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Mobile device security

Mobile device security

- [Instructor] Mobile devices are a common part of our daily lives. We rely upon our smartphones and tablets for everything from routine checking of our email, to online banking and business applications. They're no longer a convenience. They're a gateway to very sensitive information, and we must protect them with strong security controls. Let's take a look at some of the basic mobile device security controls that you can put in place to protect your sensitive information. First, every mobile device should be protected with one or more access control mechanisms. The most common of these is the use of a passcode. Now, many devices default to a four-digit passcode, but this does not provide very strong security. You should protect your mobile devices with strong passwords, just like you would a computer or online account. Both iOS and Android allow you to change from a default four-digit PIN, to using a strong password. Now, of course, passwords are inconvenient, especially when you…
