From the course: CompTIA Security+ (SY0-701) Cert Prep

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Logging security information

Logging security information

- [Instructor] System monitoring creates massive amounts of data output that cybersecurity analysts must wade through when attempting to conduct log reviews as part of an incident response effort. Fortunately, monitoring technology provides ways for us to automate some of this work. Log files come from a variety of different sources, and each of these data sources contains information that may be useful in incident response. Network logs, and in particular, NetFlow data tells us about the systems on a network that communicated with each other and the amount of information that they exchanged. This can be crucial in identifying systems involved in a security incident. Similarly, DNS logs provide information about network name lookups, offering insight into which systems may have communicated with external systems. System logs provide insight into the inner workings of the operating system, recording security events, and other activity on the system that might reveal details of an…
