From the course: CompTIA Security+ (SY0-701) Cert Prep

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Host-based network security controls

Host-based network security controls

- [Instructor] Firewalls are an important security control. They act as the security guards of the network monitoring attempts to start communications and only allowing those connections that match the enterprise security policy to pass through. Firewalls follow the default deny principle that says that any network connection that is not explicitly allowed should be blocked. Connections to a computer should only be made when the administrator determines that the connection is necessary to meet business requirements and includes that type of connection in a firewall rule. Firewalls come in two different forms, network firewalls are hardware devices that sit in between two networks and control the connections between those networks. Organizations place network firewalls at the border of their networks, in between the organization's network and the internet. This network firewall forms an important part of the organization's perimeter defense. The network firewall only restricts those…
