From the course: CompTIA Security+ (SY0-701) Cert Prep

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Explaining cookies and attachments

Explaining cookies and attachments

- [Instructor] You may already be familiar with web cookies. These are small pieces of content that can track users between website visits and across different websites. Understanding the uses of cookies and how to remove them from a system is a critical task for privacy minded security administrators. Cookies are stored in user browsers by websites, and they're typically used to track a single user or to retain information needed between sessions. There are some privacy risks associated with cookies. This is especially true when a cookie is used to track activity across multiple websites. This tracking might be theoretically anonymous, but as soon as you provide your name to just one of the websites using the same tracking cookie, your activity across all of those websites can become de-anonymized. This is a particular concern for cookies belonging to advertising networks that are used across a large number of sites. Fortunately, users have a high degree of control over the use of…
