From the course: CompTIA Security+ (SY0-701) Cert Prep

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Escalation and notification

Escalation and notification

- [Instructor] When security professionals detect a potential incident, they should immediately swing into first responder mode, acting to isolate affected systems and contain the damage caused by the incident. As soon as they've handled the immediate emergency, they may then move into the escalation and notification process. This process has several important objectives. First, it evaluates the severity of the incident based upon its potential impact on the organization. Second, it escalates the incident to an appropriate level of incident response. And finally, it notifies management and other stakeholders of the incident and the path to resolution. After containing an incident, responders should begin a triaging process to identify the potential impact of that incident. The process for rating incident severity should be found in the organization's incident response procedures. One common scheme uses a three-tiered scale of low-impact, moderate-impact, and high-impact incidents…
