From the course: CompTIA Security+ (SY0-701) Cert Prep

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Domain Name System (DNS)

Domain Name System (DNS)

- [Instructor] Computers do use IP addresses to communicate over the network, but those addresses can be very difficult for people to remember. Just imagine if you had to memorize the IP address of every website that you need to access. The domain name system, or DNS, allows people to use easily recognizable names in place of those IP addresses. DNS servers translate the names that you're more familiar with, such as into the IP addresses that computers use to communicate, such as DNS works as a network service that operates over UDP Port 53. Every time you connect to a network, that network provides your computer with the IP address of a local DNS server that it can use to look up IP addresses. Then whenever you type the domain name of a website into your browser, your computer sends a request to the local DNS server asking it for the IP address associated with that name. If the server knows the answer to your question, it responds to the request with…
