From the course: CompTIA Security+ (SY0-701) Cert Prep

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DNS attacks

DNS attacks

- [Presenter] Earlier in this course, you learned about the important role that the domain name system, DNS, plays on networks. As a reminder, DNS translates the common names that we use on a regular basis, such as or, to the IP addresses that computers use, such as or DNS uses a hierarchical lookup system where the initial request goes to a server on the client's network. If that server doesn't already know the answer, it then asks a series of other servers until it finds the one with the correct answer. For example, when looking up, an organization's DNS server first asks the root name server. Now, if the root name server doesn't know the answer, it tells the requester what name server is responsible for the .org top level domain. The client then asks the .org server, who also doesn't know the answer, but that server tells the requester what name server is responsible for the domain. The client then…
