From the course: CompTIA Security+ (SY0-701) Cert Prep

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- [Instructor] While email is inherently insecure, there are three protocols that we can deploy that enhance the security of email messages: SPF, DKIM, and DMARC. SPF is the Sender Protection Framework. It's a fairly simple standard that allows domain owners to specify the mail servers that are allowed to send messages from their domains. This allows other mail servers to verify that messages they receive claiming to be from that domain are legitimately from a server authorized to send messages on behalf of that domain. Using SPF is fairly simple. You create a DNS record that lists the servers that are allowed to send email for the domain, and those records are called, unsurprisingly, SPF records. Let's take a look at the SPF records for a domain. I'm going to use dig to look up the SPF record for LinkedIn. I'll use dig, and then I'm going to set the type to TXT. which will retrieve all of the TXT records associated with the domain. Now, in the answer section for this DNS…
