From the course: CompTIA Security+ (SY0-701) Cert Prep

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Configuration vulnerabilities

Configuration vulnerabilities

- [Instructor] Configuration vulnerabilities can also have serious impacts on enterprise security. A few simple errors in a system configuration can result in very significant security vulnerabilities that an attacker can exploit to gain access to sensitive information or systems. One common mistake that IT staff make is taking a system directly from a manufacturer and installing it on their network without modifying the default configuration. This is especially dangerous in the case of devices that contain embedded computers but are not commonly managed as part of the enterprise IT infrastructure. These include copiers, building controllers, research equipment, and other devices that come directly from vendors. The default configurations on these devices may contain misconfigured firewalls with open ports and services, open permissions, guest accounts, default passwords, unsecured route accounts, or other serious security issues. IT staff should always verify the security of devices…
