From the course: CompTIA Security+ (SY0-701) Cert Prep

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Comparing viruses, worms, and trojans

Comparing viruses, worms, and trojans

- One of the gravest threats to computer security is the scourge of malware. Short for malicious software, malware objects infect computer systems and then perform some type of evil action, possibly stealing information, damaging data, or otherwise disrupting normal use of the system. As a Security+ candidate, you'll need to understand the various types of malicious code and how they work to infect systems. Every piece of malware that you encounter will have two components, a propagation mechanism and a payload. The propagation mechanism is how the malware spreads from one system to another. Propagation mechanisms vary between malware types. In just a minute, we'll talk about three different types of malware objects and how they spread. The payload is the malicious action that the malware performs. Any type of malware object can carry any type of payload. For example, a malware payload might search your hard drive for credit card statements and tax returns or encrypt data and make it…
